Monday 30.6.

Or Ettlinger

The Architecture of Virtual Space
  This lecture combines two topics which complement one another: a theoretical analysis of the elusive idea of virtual space, and a study of works of pictorial art that are rich in architectural content.
A theory of virtual space. The terms 'virtual' and 'virtual space' are becoming increasingly common in multiple fields. They are often used in academic publications, in popular culture, and even in everyday slang. But what do these terms actually mean? Computer-Generated? Online? Fictitious? Imagined? Metaphysical? Is there any consistency in their varied uses, are they nothing more than empty buzzwords, or something in between?
Architectural content in pictorial arts. The history and theory of architecture tend to address only two forms of architecture: the physically built, and the wished-to-be-built. And yet, in addition to these two, there is a third form of architecture that has received very limited attention as such. This is the architecture that serves as the visible content of paintings, films, video games, and so on.
The lecture proposes a theoretical model for defining virtual space itself, in a lucid, down-to-earth, and systematic manner. This model is presented through historical examples of architectural projects that were designed, planned, and intended from their outset to be part of an image, while generating its visible space. Thus, it links the abstract idea of virtual space to the tangible experience of space that is available through images of any medium.

Tuesday 1.7.

Esben Skouboe Poulsen

Virtual Performance
  The lecture addresses the performative architectural potential of new temporary experiments in the public space. In specific we are interested in the process of feedback occurring in the interactions between local phenomena and flexible architectural formations both as part of the initial analysis and the embedded objects to initiate social interactions. These are formations that focus on the collective outcome of what an environment or building does in feedback with the local actors considering urban catalysts as tools for spacial transformation. more...

Tuesday 1.7.

Uros Strel Lencic


Tuesday 2.7.

Sune Petersen


Tuesday 2.7.

Paul Coates

Rethinking representation

covered the use of the computer as a way of thinking about form through process, covering the early pioneeds Kay and Papert, Logo and smalltalk, and some examples of different types of programming languages and their effect on "what could be thought about" finishing with examples of emergent self organising systems of particles to generate form.


Thursday afternoon: introduction to netlogo, building on the ideas set out in the lecture. how to script multiple turtles to collectively construct spatial partitioning systems, including voronoi diagrams and complex forms in 3d without doing any complex maths or geometry. the bottom up approach to form finding.


Tuesday 2.7.

Renee Puusep

Generating a design concept using Python/Blender programming
  This short workshop introduced the concept of agent modelling in architectural design context.

The participants learned the basics about Blender (3D modelling package) interface and writing a simple script in Python (Blender’s embedded language) for manipulating geometry. Later, a more complex script based on agent modelling methodology was introduced to generate some design concepts. Participants prepared a digital model of the chosen site and tested the script within it. There were a number of parameters that, when tweaked by the user, changed the behaviour of agents and thus the form generated by them. Eventually the participants were asked to configure agents to pursue their design agenda. more...

Thursday 3.7.

Atinc Ozdemir
Serdar Asut
The intersection between cinema and design disciplines


Presentation of some workshops in design studios of their departments since the beginning of last year. The purpose is quite experimental as they are trying to investigate cinematographic ways of design thinking within this research. The presentation showed and shared the ideas with participants.
Wednesday 9.7.

Jochen Hoog
Real Virtuality: Immersion and Perception of Virtual Architecture in
Multi-User Virtual Environments

The project is supported and co-financed
by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme.

The content of the publication is the sole responsibility of the publisher and does not necessarily reflect the position of EU comission or National agency and excludes them both of any liability.