Types of Subjects
and their availability |
Types of Subjects
Design studio – our main subject (Projektiranje) throughout all of the years; Erasmus students usually decide for DS 3, 4 or 5. Due to carefully balanced number of home students in the Design studios, there is a limitation of up to 5 exchange students per each mentor. As we have lots of mentors this should not represent a problem. Students coming for only 1 semester should automatically choose DS5 regardless of the year they are in at home institution! We collect exchange students' wishes and preferences in the list that goes online at the end of the september - please follow the News section.
Courses/subjects – there are main subjects (usually have 5 or more ECTS, occasionally less) and so-called elective subjects (3 ECTS). All elective courses are scheduled in the winter semester. The availability of the elective courses is decided on the yearly basis, and is based on the number of sufficient applicants. To that end, we will send you the 'survey' by the end of the June, where you will tick your prefered elective courses - please follow the News section and your emails for details. The limit of elective courses an exchange student can select per year is 5! The final list of available ones will be known at the beginning of the October and you will be able to reposition accordingly.
Workshops – we have workshops happening during the school year; most of them international also; they are usually announced some weeks in advance, in Slovene they are called “Delavnica” and you will need to apply on your own. You can get 2 ECTS for the workshop and they can be part of the transcript of records.
The availability of courses to exchange students and some limitations
Students are free to choose subject regardless of the year they are in at home institution. Please ignore the A and B classification of elective subjects, this is not relevant for the exchange students. The number of elective subjects to be attended is limited to 5 per yearfor the exchange students. No division of credits in Design studios is possible, meaning: those who will wish to select one semester long DS will need to choose DS5 (11 ECTS). DS2, 3 and 4 are one year, 2 semesters only subjects (16 ECTS). Students will be allocated to design studio mentors. Students can put Intensive Course of Slovene
(3 ECTS) into the Learning Agreements (LA) if they chose to attend the course. The final list of available elective subjects will be known in the beginning of October, thus all electives in your LAs will be under question (marked with ?). It is reasonable to select arround 20 ECTS of courses per semester and we will not confirm LAs with more then 35 ECTS for 1 semester or 70 for 2 semesters.
Study Programmes |
Single Master Study in Architecture
a brochure with information on the architectural studies with the descriptions of subjects; please bear in mind that not all is available and does not apply to the exchange students - see the limitations above!
1st Cycle Bachelor Study programme Urbanism
a brochure with information on the urbanism studies with the descriptions of subjects
2nd Cycle Master Study programme Urbanism
a brochure with information on the urbanism studies with the descriptions of subjects
we accept only a limited number of exchange students to urbanism studies; the selection of courses from the urbanism programmes is available to urbanism students only and pending their availability; for students of architecture only as an exception and per previous consent
Doctoral Programme in Architecture
only available to those who are studying
on the doctorate level and our bilateral
agreements between institutions support this kind of the exchange, also pending the availability of the suitable mentor
Timetables |
2021 / 2022 (courses, lectures,
The schedules are prone to change, for the updates please compare them with slovene version. Look up: "URNIK - zimski semester ...več"
year 1.10.21 - 27.9.22 |
in Slovenia |
winter semester 1.10.21 - 14.1.22
winter exam period 17.1.22 - 11.2.22
summer semester 14.2.22 - 27.5.22
design studio exhibitions 30.5.22 - 3.6.22
june exam period 6.6.22 - 8.7.22
fall exam period 16.8.22 - 9.9.22
summer vacation 9.7.22 - 15.8.22 |
reformacije 31. october
Spomina na mrtve 1. november-
Božič 25. december (till 2. january)
Dan samostojnosti 26. december
Novo leto 1. and 2. january
Slovenski kulturni praznik 8. february
Velika noč - Easter Monday 18. april
Dan upora proti okupatorju 27. april
Praznik dela 1. and 2. may
Dan državnosti 25. june
Marijino vnebovzetje 15. august
Enrollment Process |
(info applies on the procedures after your arrival and the time after first meeting with your coordinator)
To fully function as our students and also enjoy the student benefits, you will need to formally enroll with our school. With the enrollment process finished, you will acquire access to Digital ID of University of Ljubljana which is a gateway to email, wifi Eduroam, e-classroom, etc. In the second week after school start you will go to our office of student affairs to gain access to SiS (Student Information System) - this is the starting point and the rest is explained in the instructions you will receive.
Digital ID / EMSO / SIS /
e-classroom / eduroam |
The following notions are quite common and you will encounter them frequently:
Digital ID is a gateway to University of Ljubljana services and provides you with the unified username and passwords for different UL services. The username resembles an email address, e.g. jn1234@student.uni-lj.si.
EMSO / Unique Master Citizen Number will be provided either by your coordinator or office of the student affairs at our school at the same time as your access to the SiS system. Exchange students mostly need it for the meal subsidary system.
SiS / Student information System is our electronic index and enrollment processing solution
e-classroom / e-učilnica is a moodle based platform where some of the courses run through. You will be able to access it with the same digital identity as EDUROAM wifi.
wifi / Eduroam wireless at our school is called EDUROAM. The access is tied to the digital student ID, which is connected to the above mentioned ŠiS system. First you will need to be enrolled in ŠiS and only after that you will be able to take over the identity and connect to the wifi. Wired internet access is also available at the school.
Visiting Students /
Guest Students |
At the moment we are not able to accept visiting students
term 'visiting' or 'guest' student is reserved for
students who wish to study in Ljubljana but their
home institutions have no bilateral agreements with
our faculty or they are not able to use those connections
due to different reasons.
There are three possible durations of the exchange:
3 months, 1 semester or 2 semesters.
The visiting students are able to attend the lectures
and exams in the duration of their stay and before
departure receive the transcript of records.
The requirements are:
- finished bachelor's degree or 1st bologna cycle
or 120 ECTS
- approval of their home institution
- proof of compulsory health insurrance at ZZZS Slovenia
- enrolment at home institution during the period
of the exchange
- active use of slovene or english
The visiting students are not exempt from
tuition fee which is calculated on the basis
of University of Ljubljana annual's price list. Look up 'Cenik solnin za 1. in 2. stopnjo in stari podiplomski studij', look under FA; the sum is divided by 3 for three months,
by 2 for 1 semester and full price for 2 semesters.
Freemover students fall under the category of
visiting students - we do not accept Erasmus freemovers.