Nomination / Application Processes |
Nominations by home institutions
Home coordinators first nominate their students according to our bilateral agreements and numbers provided in them. No subdivision of months or student numbers is accepted (unless previously consulted and approved by host coordinator). We accept nominations for the following year - winter semester by 5. May, summer semester by 5. November
for Erasmus applicants
for winter semester / full academic year: 15. May
for summer semester: 15. November
The application process is now processed online and supporting documents uploaded. Upon the nomination our International office at the University of Ljubljana will send instructions and information on application. There is no need to send a paper version of the application and supporting documents.
Language |
Architecture studies and language
official language in all courses is Slovene, although
in the design studios and courses, exchange students
can communicate and work individually with teachers
in English (main subjects usually, design studios). Mixed groups of exchange and Slovene students
are encouraged when group work is in question. Where
there is a majority of exchange students (in elective courses usually) the consensus
is often reached and lectures and communication are
then proceeding in English. Such and arrangement has proven
to work quite well and most of the students cope very
well as long as their command of English is on a sufficient
level. Some of the teachers are also fluent in other
foreign languages (e.g. German, Italian, French, Croatian,
Required Language Skills
Students must present a proof of very good B2 level language skills either in Slovene or English. Level B2 refers to the the CEFR scale of the European Language Portfolio Levels.
How to prove the language skills in Slovene or English
- Language skills are listed on the Transcript of Records of the home university; or
- Submit the Language Certificate with CEFR scale; or
- Submit TOEFL score of 79 (IBT) or IELTS score of 6 for English, or any official certificate
- Results from the OLS (Online Language Support)
- Any other official certificates
(to-do) |
After Arrival
- go to International office in the University building
Kongresni trg 12
- attend the first meeting for
(all) Erasmus incoming students at the Faculty
of Architecture
- after the start of the lectures go to the courses
you would like to attend and choose the design studio
(helping to decide: there is usually an exhibition
of student work in each design studio, talk to fellow
students, talk to student tutors, ask students in the design studios how the
work looks like and their opinion) - see Study Information and News sections
- formaly enroll at the Faculty of architecture after the date and instructions provided - see Study Information for details
- finalize your learning agreement with the coordinator by 5. November
During The Study Year
- study, attend the classes and engage in the schools
- change the Learning Agreement if necessary after previous
discussion with coordinator
- changes to the Learning Agreements are limited to a specific timeframes in the year. In winter semester, you will be able to change LAs by 5. November and in summer semester from 15. February to 15. March. The changes prior or afterwards, or at the end of your stay are possible only if previously approved by the host coordinator
Before Departure
- take care that you have all the courses in the
ŠIS system otherwise the teachers will not be able
to assign you grades
- ask teachers to grade you prior to leaving (during the holidays and
summer it is hard to find them)
- if you leave before you have all the grades
take special care to have all your courses put into
the ŠIS system, remind teachers you will not be around
to ask for the grades and arrange with the office for student affairs for transcript of records to be mailed after you; upon the reception of your last expected grade in the SiS request the Transcript of records from the Office for student affairs. Provide the address where the TR should be sent (email and physicall address).
- TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS SHOULD BE COLLECTED PRIOR TO LEAVING in office for student affairs (preferable method and the best for having it immediately) or they will be mailed to your
address upon your request per email (please state the correct address, they will be sent only once); CONFIRMATION OF STAY form can be acquired and signed at the coordinator's office room 42 - it will not be sent per regular post!
Accommodation & Other information: insurance, language
courses, etc |
You will receive information and application instructions for the accommodation in the dormitories by email from University International Office after your nomination. For additional accomodation information please first turn to the International office of the University of Ljubljana. If student rooms are unavailable then you can turn to student organization, international section of ŠOU and also housinganywhere.com platform
For other relevant information on medical insurance, language courses, etc. please turn to extensive information & Welcome guide at our University's central International Office
Tutorship & Buddy System |
the Faculty of architecture we have established tutorship
for incoming students. The tutors can help you with
study related questions as well as practical and administrative
not hesitate to contact them.
More About Slovenia |
Official Travel Guide to Slovenia by Slovenian Tourist
The project is supported and co-financed
by the EU Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The content of the publication is the sole responsibility
of the publisher and does not necessarily reflect the position
of EU comission or
National agency and excludes them both of any liability.