++ Incoming students 1st semester: we will have our first Erasmus meeting on Thursday, 30. September 2021 (for all students coming in winter semester and for two semesters), at 12:00, Fabiani's lecturing hall. At school, as well as all indoor services (stores, restaurants, offices, etc), masks are mandatory and so is hand sanitation. I will not be able to receive you prior to that date and students are strongly discouraged to visit the school before 30.9.2021.
++ incoming students - summer semester: We will have our first Erasmus meeting on Tuesday, 19. February 2019, at 13:00, room 42. Through the entrance (Zoisova c. 12, old building, dark blue doors), up the stairs, 2nd and a half floor. We will go through all the basics, information, LAs, programme, activities, study process, etc. It is very strongly suggested you attend (if you are able to).
++ TIMETABLES for summer semester is available below
++ SCHEDULE for winter semester is available below
++ Design studios for Erasmus will start after 9.10., untill then please do not attend the DS meetings or approach the mentors
++ elective subjects start on the second week of october (9.10. onwards)
++ when selecting courses and subjects during enrolment process (SIS) please bear in mind that you are selecting them for the whole year now, at the beginning (if you are staying for 2 semesters); the same goes for Design studios - only students coming in second semester will be able to choose DS mentors at midterm
++ The SCHEDULE/TIMETABLE is available - in english and slovene. It is prone to changes. You will compare it to the Slovene version for the actual updates. Overlaping of the courses is sometimes not a problem for Erasmus - it may be arranged with the teacher, sometimes there is a separate group or individual work outside the scheduled time. Design studios do not generaly happen according to the schedule, mentors will advise when.
++ FA ENROLMENT PROCEDURES: The online enrolment into our Student information system (or SiS) will start on 9 October 2016. The detailed instructions will follow at the meeting. The enrollment is essential for digital identity, e-classroom and wi-fi access.
++ EMSO numbers will be ready by our first meeting (hopefully). The number is significant but most of you notice it due to the food coupon system.
++ YEARBOOK 2012/13 - study works and achievements of our students in Design Studios and competitions - for incoming students: useful insight into the topics and demands of DS, when deciding on the DS mentors!
++ LIBRARY regulations: incoming students at our faculty are free to use the library and distant access services; however, they cannot take out the books. It is possible to borrow a book or a magazine for short amount of time to copy some pages and bring it back immediately. The new policy emerged due to the unpleasant experience of last couple of years, where students borrowed the books and have never returned them.
++ Keep following these pages, all updates will be posted here.
++ LIST OF DESIGN STUDIO MENTORS FOR 2020/21 Joint Design Studio in English, especially tailored to Erasmus students, where 30 out of 40 places are reserved for Erasmus students (catters to DS4 and DS5, DS3 if needed); the school board wishes to channel all incoming students to Joint DS in English, which was established for that reason; please add your name and email to the list; doing DS at other mentors only as an exception; first come first served basis; ONE STUDENT = ONE MENTOR, see further instructions in the spreadsheet. DS2,3,4 are 2 semesters long (!) subjects, DS5 is one semester subject - this one is available to all students staying only 1 semester. ++ LIST OF ELECTIVE SUBJECTS 2020/21: put your names and emails to chosen elective subjects. An individual can choose up to 6 elective subjects per year. ++ 'INDIVIDUAL' DISCUSSIONS ABOUT LAs - for those who would like to do it and have specific questions which were not covered at our first meeting; the discussions will be in ZOOM, starting monday, the link to sessions will be in the document ++ Date reminders 1. October - start of lectures and exercises, including the start of elective subjects - digital ID instructions and access codes available,with that the enrolment proceedures can start in SiS 8. October - deadline for Design studio mentor selection, see the list on the incoming page (valid for Architecture students, NOT Urbanism students) - deadline for elective subjects list 9. October - deadline for enrolment finalization, everybody should be finished by this time and given the signed enrolment sheet to Ms Ana Simoniti 27. October - deadline for LA changes in the first semester
++ INCOMING STUDENTS - WINTER SEMESTER 2019/20: there are some changes foreseen for the next study year, thus the definite info is not yet available and as it looks like it will not be for some time. Instead of postponing your LAs indefinitly, you should prepare them based on the info momentarily available, which is based on 2018/19 programme and schedules - you will find the relevant info at study information. We will change them accordingly after the definite info will become available.