Tuesday 2.7.

Renee Puusep

Generating a design concept using Python/Blender programming
  This short workshop introduced the concept of agent modelling in architectural design context.

The participants learned the basics about Blender (3D modelling package) interface and writing a simple script in Python (Blender’s embedded language) for manipulating geometry. Later, a more complex script based on agent modelling methodology was introduced to generate some design concepts. Participants prepared a digital model of the chosen site and tested the script within it. There were a number of parameters that, when tweaked by the user, changed the behaviour of agents and thus the form generated by them. Eventually the participants were asked to configure agents to pursue their design agenda. BACK


Test 20

Test 40

Test 60

Test 80

Test 100

Test 120


The project is supported and co-financed
by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme.

The content of the publication is the sole responsibility of the publisher and does not necessarily reflect the position of EU comission or National agency and excludes them both of any liability.