Departmental Coordinator
doc. dr. Matevž Juvančič
(pronounced mateush juvanchich)
e-mail (preferred contact): matevz.juvancic(at)
tel. +386 1 2000 715 (at the faculty)
fax. +386 1 2000 712
Face-to-face discussions
with Erasmus students and candidates as stated on the door, room 42, 2nd and 1/2 floor. Other hours are possible
(although not preferred) if necessary, but the meetings
have to be pre-arranged (per email). Please respect
this, as we are also involved in teaching and research
and have to plan our time - so, showing on our doors
unannounced (except at hours provided) is frowned
the faculty we are dealing with all the matters concerning
your studies and study programme (i.e. learning agreements),
all other things regarding your stay in Ljubljana
are in the hands of International office at the University and the International Office (accomodation, public transport, IDs, language courses,
Office for Student Affairs - Person Responsible for Erasmus students
Ms Ana Simoniti
e-mail: ana.simoniti(at)
tel. +386 1 2000 710
Ms Simoniti mainly deals with your enrolment procedures and Transcript of records