International architectural and urban design workshop


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The project is partially funded by the European Union through the European Social Fund. It is performed under the Operational Programme for Developing Human Resources for the period 2007 – 2013, developmental priority 3: "Development of human resources and of life-long learning"; priority axis 3.3 "Quality,competitiveness and responsiveness of higher-education".



"Fulfilling the task is research considering demographic changes of the area."


Considering theoretical background, a concept design project need to be created. The purpose of the project is to establish the spatial conditions for integrating social, educational, cultural, service, care and other programmes into the contemporary model of intergenerational centre.


The project task is usually developed through the case studies of existing intergenerational centres, analysis of programme and functional requirements and analysis of spatial conditions on particular location.


A precondition for fulfilling the task is research considering demographic changes of the area.

Usually intergenerational centres are one building embracing all listed programme. In case of Žiri intergenerational centre can be a network of programmes within one settlement. Network can use existing intergenerational structure, to which additional and new infrastructure is added. Network (and not a building anymore) becomes an intergenerational centre.




The intergenerational centre is conceived as a node in a widespread network of programmes of the social care and intergenerational cooperation. The centre integrates household communities (contemporary concept of nursing home), palliative care, temporary care, day care for old people, sheltered housing, educational centre, kindergarten, restaurant, multipurpose auditorium and other programmes and services.



"Three generations are crucial for the healthy growth of a society and human being."


Intergenerational centre is a new model of the social care for old people, which is still being established. The concept originates from anthropology, psychology, gerontology and other humanistic sciences.



It is based on the idea, that the intergenerational links between all of the three generations are crucial for the healthy growth of a society and human being.

Thus the intergenerational centre can be defined as a bridge between contemporary concepts of old people’s homes and activities involving younger generations.